	* GU_DisableGadget - New routine that changes the GA_Disabled flag
	  of a gadget. This routine is a shortcut for the ordinary GadTools
	  function GT_SetGadgetAttrsA.

	* GU_SetToggle - New routine that makes it possible to change the
	  status of a toggle-select gadget. Works with GadUtils own toggle-
	  select gadgets and on CheckBox gadgets.

	* Changed some routines to return result in the Z flag in the status
	  register (SR). This is probably only useful for assembly language

	  Changed routines:

	  - GU_GetIMsg
		Z = 1 if there is no message to get.

	  - GU_GadgetArrayIndex
		Z = 1 if there were no gadget with the requested ID.

	  - GU_CoordsInGadBox
		Z = 1 if the coordinates way outside the gadget's border.

	  - GU_GetGadgetPtr
		Z = 1 if the gadget could not be found or the pointer was 0.

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